Regina Price – Speaker

I was called to preach the good news of Jesus Christ in 2000 and have been privileged to minister and witness countless lives changed, healed, delivered and set free in different communities in the U.S. and abroad.  My Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) with domestic violence, shoplifting and bullying, has compelled me to share my story with others that no matter what traumatic experiences you have endured in life, past, present or future, you can overcome them and live a purpose driven life full of faith, hope and light in the power of God’s word.

What I realized is that although my circumstances appeared to be so insurmountable at that time, God brought me through it by faith and has called me out of darkness into His marvelous light to allow my light to permeate someone else’s darkness and despair.  Those traumatic experiences were designed to grow my faith, not to kill me!  You are more than a conqueror, you are victorious and in the end you will win because I am praying that your faith will not fail.

Book Regina to Speak on These Topics:


Everyone is allotted a measure of saving faith but the spiritual gift of faith is a work of God’s free grace in our lives.  As a little girl I remember subconsciously praying to God in faith before I really knew and understood the fundamentals of my faith.  I believed God to keep my family from all hurt, harm and danger and that is what He faithfully did!  Being apprehended by the police at the age of fifteen for shoplifting was a traumatic experience that I had to see my way out in faith.  Faith is not a feeling or just positive thinking it is trusting God’s purpose and plan even when you don’t understand.  I have learned first-hand that this journey called “life” will bring troubles and having faith in God’s word is a lifestyle of trust and obedience not just a once in a lifetime act.   For every test and trial, I had to walk it out by faith and not by sight! I am compelled to share my faith and encouragement with others; it is my greatest desire to see people grow in faith and trust in God the Father and in God’s purpose for us as children.


With the overwhelming response of suicide rates, depression, oppression and substance use, I believe that many people are suffering from ACEs, traumatic childhood experiences that have a lasting effect on one’s physical, emotional and mental well-being and as a result, they are in a seemingly hopeless state of mind.  Being hopeless can have a permanent affect on a person’s foreseeable future and that is not God’s perfect will for our lives.  My experience with bullying in the sixth grade put me in a hopeless state of mind until I learned how to recognize, confront and conquer my fear (the perpetrator).  I asked myself, what is the worst thing that could happen?  Someone will lose and someone will win, either way, I would conquer my fear and win the war against my hopeless mindset!  My hope in God was the confident expectation of what God’s word promised and my strength was in His faithfulness to see me through it.  Learn how to accept the idea that we can work to make things better (hope), rather than accept the way things are (hopeless).


I am so thankful to God that He did not give up on my life but He loved me unconditionally and delivered me from a path of darkness and despair.  It is now imperative that I let my light shine so that others may see and experience God’s love through me.  Light represents life and the symbol of joy and life-giving power to all people regardless of their situation and circumstances.  A quote by Ada Adams said, “There is light at the end of the tunnel” and for many people this may symbolize hope of success, happiness or help.  Picking up the pieces after my traumatic experience with shoplifting became hopeful for me when I was introduced to a local librarian who demonstrated light, compassion and guidance as she took me under her wings to complete my mandatory community service hours.  I learned that having someone to be a light as I walked through the darkness of the tunnel made it effortless to keep moving forward to the end.  My light continues to shine so brightly that I must share it with others.

Book Consulting

Start your journey today, become a self-published author.  Becoming an author and Self-Publishing Coach didn’t come without its challenges; however, it was an amazing experience and a great fulfillment.  I believe writing a book is a need not a want.  Everyone has a story to tell, the question becomes are you willing to share your story with others?  According to a New York Times article, four out of five Americans feel the urge to write a book, yet less than one percent goes through with it.  Writing can open doors you never knew existed such as multiple speaking engagements; becoming a successful entrepreneur, you can leverage your field, grow a sustainable business and build a legacy.  It can be a lucrative full-time career or a viable part-time gig.  Writing is designed to be very therapeutic as it was for me; it cultivates the ability to observe your thoughts and feelings and move past your fears.  Writing a book is not impossible, it is attainable, allow me to help you get started along with the knowledge to execute it and see your book become a reality.

Marriage Commissioner

God declared that “it is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him” (Genesis 2:18, ESV).  “So the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon the man, and while he slept took one of his ribs and closed up its place with flesh. And the rib that the the Lord God had taken from the man he made into a woman and brought her to the man (Genesis 2:21-22).  Marriage is thereby a sacred and inviolable covenant between a man and woman designed by God.  God’s purpose for marriage is to build a family, friendship, sexual intimacy, enjoying life experiences and most importantly, display the gospel.  God compares His relationship with His bride, the church to a husband’s relationship to his wife.  “Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.”  When the married couple is more focused on God, they are bound together by the strong “three strand cord”  (Ecclesiastes 4:12).  The husband, the wife and God.